concert, voorstelling & optreden
symposium - concertzaal - podiumA Journey to Middle Earth
Datum: Zaterdag 3 mei
Aanvang: 19.30 uur tot 21.00 uur incl. pauze
Ticketprijs: €25
Jongeren (25 jaar en jonger): €15
Kaartjes / Tickets:
A Journey to Middle Earth
Stap binnen in de betoverende wereld van J.R.R. Tolkien en beleef een uniek muzikaal avontuur! Dit bijzondere concert brengt twee schitterende muzikale vertolkingen van Middle-earth samen: The Road Goes Ever On, de sfeervolle liedcyclus van Donald Swann op teksten van Tolkien zelf, en een selectie uit de epische filmmuziek van The Lord of the Rings, gecomponeerd door Howard Shore.
Laat je meevoeren langs hobbitpaden, elfenwouden en verre bergketens in een avond vol magie, melancholie en heldenmoed.
The Road Goes Ever On (Donald Swann)
The Lord of the Rings, movie soundtrack (Howard Shore
Uitgevoerd door:
Pascal Franssen (tenor)
Valérie Stammet (sopraan)
Liliane Silva (piano)
A Journey to Middle Earth
Step into the enchanting world of J.R.R. Tolkien with a unique musical adventure! This special concert brings together two magnificent musical interpretations of Middle-earth: The Road Goes Ever On, the atmospheric song cycle by Donald Swann set to Tolkien’s own poetry, and a selection from Howard Shore’s epic The Lord of the Rings film score.
Let yourself be carried away through hobbit paths, elven forests, and distant mountain ranges in an evening filled with magic, melancholy, and heroism.
We stellen aan u voor / We introduce to you
Hun Bio’s staan hieronder / Their Bios are below.
Klik op de pijlktjes / Click on the arrows
Valérie Stammet
Valérie Stammet is a Luxembourgish soprano specializing in oratorio, Lied, and ensemble singing. Based in the Netherlands, she has built a diverse career as both a soloist and ensemble singer.
She began her musical training at the Esch-sur-Alzette Conservatory in Luxembourg, where she obtained diplomas in voice, cello, piano, chamber music, and choral conducting. Between 2013 and 2021, she took voice lessons with Mariette Kemmer, Arthur Stammet, and Claudia Moulin at the same institution.
In 2017, she was accepted into the vocal program at the Maastricht Conservatory of Music, studying under Yvonne Schiffelers, where she completed her Bachelor’s degree in 2021 and graduated cum laude with a Master’s degree in 2024.
Valérie is an active ensemble singer and has been performing regularly with Studium Chorale, a professional chamber choir based in Maastricht, since April 2023. Since September 2024, she has been a member of the Young Bach Fellowship at the Nederlandse Bachvereniging, participating in various projects across the Netherlands.
As a soloist, her recent highlights include her portrayal of Lory in the revival of the Luxembourgish operetta An der Schwemm by Lou Koster in January 2024. She also performed as the soprano soloist in J.S. Bach’s Johannes-Passion with the Utrecht Studenten Koor en Orkest in March and April 2024, and in Bach’s Weihnachtsoratorium with the same orchestra and choir in December 2024.
Beyond ensemble and oratorio work, Valérie has a strong affinity for Lied repertoire. Since September 2023, she has been working with pianist Liliane Silva as part of Duo Lys. In January 2025, they gave a recital at the Muziekgebouw in Eindhoven, followed by a performance in February 2025 at Theater aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht.
Looking ahead, Valérie is dedicated to developing her own artistic projects and exploring new musical directions. She is particularly interested in interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative concert formats that bring classical music to a wider audience.
Pascal Franssen
De Nederlandse tenor Pascal Franssen behaalde zijn Bachelor en Master in klassieke zang aan het Conservatorium Maastricht, waar hij studeerde bij Yvonne Schiffelers. Tijdens zijn opleiding vertolkte hij diverse rollen in conservatoriumproducties, waaronder Spalanzani en de vier dienaren in Les Contes d’Hoffmann (Offenbach), Aeneas in Dido and Aeneas (Purcell) en Don Basilio in Le nozze di Figaro (Mozart).
In 2022 werd hij laureaat van de 31e Internationale Zangcompetitie Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg, waar hij de rol van Wenzel vertolkte in Die verkaufte Braut (Smetana). Datzelfde jaar zong hij de rol van Ménélas in La Belle Hélène (Offenbach) bij Wokmuziektheater in Weert. Onlangs was hij te zien bij Opera Compact als Gastone in La Traviata (Verdi) en bij Opera Zuid als Jaap & Rob in een bewerking van Der Schauspieldirektor (Mozart).
Als solist is Pascal Franssen regelmatig te horen in oratoriumuitvoeringen. Zo trad hij op als evangelist in de Johannes Passion en vertolkte hij de tenorsolo’s in diverse Bach-cantates, Schubert-missen en Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle. Hij werkte onder meer met Toonkunstkoor Maastricht, de Barbaracantorij Culemborg en in de Dom van Aken.
Naast zijn solocarrière heeft hij ruime ervaring als ensemblezanger en maakte hij deel uit van de operakoren van Opera Zuid, Opera Spanga en Theater Aachen.
Biography – Pascal Franssen
Dutch tenor Pascal Franssen obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in classical singing at the Conservatorium Maastricht, where he studied under Yvonne Schiffelers. During his studies, he performed various roles in conservatory productions, including Spalanzani and the four servants in Les Contes d’Hoffmann (Offenbach), Aeneas in Dido and Aeneas (Purcell), and Don Basilio in Le nozze di Figaro (Mozart).
In 2022, he became a laureate of the 31st International Singing Competition Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg, where he performed the role of Wenzel in Die verkaufte Braut (Smetana). That same year, he appeared as Ménélas in La Belle Hélène (Offenbach) at Wokmuziektheater in Weert. More recently, he performed with Opera Compact as Gastone in La Traviata (Verdi) and with Opera Zuid as Jaap & Rob in an adaptation of Der Schauspieldirektor (Mozart).
As a soloist, Pascal Franssen frequently performs in oratorio concerts. He has appeared as the Evangelist in the Johannes Passion and has sung the tenor solos in various Bach cantatas, Schubert masses, and Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle. He has collaborated with ensembles such as Toonkunstkoor Maastricht, the Barbaracantorij Culemborg, and performed in the Aachen Cathedral.
In addition to his solo career, he has gained extensive stage experience as an ensemble singer, performing with the opera choruses of Opera Zuid, Opera Spanga, and Theater Aachen..
Liliane Silva
Liliane Silva is a Portuguese pianist currently finishing her Master’s Degree in Accompaniment at the Conservatorium Maastricht. Passionate about the collaborative side of the piano world since her studies at the Conservatorio Calouste Gulbenkian de Braga, she continued her studies with Paulo Oliveira at the Academia Nacional Superior de Orquestra, where she completed her bachelor’s degree in Piano for Chamber Music and Accompaniment in 2023.
Throughout her studies, she was distinguished with the 1st prize in the National Competition of Chamber Music in Vila Verde (2018), an honorable mention in the Prémios Jovens Músicos for Chamber Music at the medium level (2018), 1st ex-aequo in the Regional Competition of Piano and Organ in Vila Verde (2016), and 1st place in the Maria Maia Competition (2012).
Also interested in integrating orchestras, she had the opportunity to play with the Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa from 2021 to 2022, where she worked with conductors such as Pedro Neves, Sylvain Gasançon, Jean-Marc Burfin, and Nuno Côrte-Real.
Fascinated by the pedagogical side of accompaniment, she worked from 2021 to 2023 at the Academia de Música de Óbidos, where she accompanied students of different levels and ages.
Also drawn to the vocal side of accompaniment, she participated as a répétiteur for the opera Hänsel und Gretel by Humperdinck at the Conservatorium Maastricht and has been regularly collaborating with singers, including accompanying private singing lessons of the renowned singer and teacher Barbara Havemann.
During her studies, she had the opportunity to have masterclasses and private lessons with various widely admired musicians, such as Artur Pizarro, Pascal Moragues, Vitali Dotsenko, Marian Pivka, Luís Pipa, Mateus Stasto, Fausto Neves, Miguel Campinho, Filipe Pinto Ribeiro, and Sara Vujadinovic.